Really? Really?
Went to bed Friday night and all was well. Woke up Saturday morning in HELL! I rode the storm for many hours until finally I pulled my head out of the sand and said "Enough!" Something was wrong with Steady Geddie. She was agitated, uncomfortable, panting too much and really annoyed by the puppies and wanting to mouth them. So, I sent my vet. a text "My bitch is having a meltdown. It is either cramping or Eclampsia. Her temp. is 102" he responded (I have the BEST vet. by the way) "Is she trembling?" and I responded "No, just acts like her RR head is going to explode and she wants to pick up sleeping puppies." Of course the clinic was closed on a Saturday afternoon, so one of his fabulous techs. went to the clinic, picked up 3 cc's of Calcium Glutamate and met me at her house! AMEN and Hallelujiah!
Oh, but it gets better.............
My minivan starts to overheat on the way home, so I pull into the Maverick Store and proceed to LOCK MY KEYS IN MY VAN! Yes, Geddie was inside and it was 40 degrees outside.(so glad I left the puppies home in the warmth) Had to call a locksmith, blah, blah, blah. Limp the minivan until is dies completely, get a ride home, blah, blah, blah.
The evening ends well with Geddie resting and puppies nursing.
Needless to say, Easter Sunday sucked.
Today, Monday, is better. Geddie calmed down, took puppies in for dew claw removal. Geddie's blood calcium levels are normal and the vet. removed, 32 toes.....That's 9 sets of fronts and 7 sets of rears..........wait THEY MISSED SOME! Poor Mr. Yellow has to go back for his rears off. Later Gater, gotta take my minivan in to the shop first.
Next time you want to be a breeder.......hahahahaha
p.s. the puppies are great! Fat and Sassy! Their mother and their breeder may have lost their minds........but the milk is good ; )